by William Brown, MD | Oct 22, 2014 | Press Releases, Sports Hernia News
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Increasing Number of Professional Athletes Undergoing Sports Hernia Repair Surgery Renowned sports hernia surgeon, Dr. William Brown, reports a 40% increase this year in professional athletes undergoing surgery to repair inguinal disruptions....
by William Brown, MD | Aug 6, 2014 | Press Releases, Sports Hernia News, Sports Hernia Surgery
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Renowned Sports Hernia Surgeon, Dr. William Brown, Reporting Excellent Results Following Inguinal Ligament Tenotomies A new surgical technique, combining inguinal ligament tenotomy with oblique muscle repair, is proving effective for athletes...
by William Brown, MD | Apr 29, 2014 | Press Releases, Sports Hernia News
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Renowned Sports Hernia Specialist, Dr. William Brown, Expects Affordable Care Act to Benefit Athletes Suffering from Inguinal Disruptions Dr. William Brown, one of the country’s leading inguinal disruption experts, expects the Affordable Care Act...
by William Brown, MD | Jan 23, 2014 | Diagnoses, Press Releases, Sports Hernia News, Treatment of Sports Hernias
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE The British Hernia Society’s Manchester Consensus Conference Results in New Terminology for Sports Hernia A consensus conference held by the British Hernia Society concludes that a sports hernia should be called inguinal disruption since no true...
by William Brown, MD | Oct 10, 2013 | Press Releases, Sports Hernia News
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Renowned Sports Hernia Specialist, Dr. William Brown, Sports Hernia Repair YouTube Video Growing in Popularity With sports hernias so often misdiagnosed and mistreated, those suffering from groin pain are turning to the web for help. In an effort...