Renowned Sports Hernia Surgeon, Dr. William Brown, Reporting Excellent Results Following Inguinal Ligament Tenotomies
A new surgical technique, combining inguinal ligament tenotomy with oblique muscle repair, is proving effective for athletes experiencing chronic groin pain.
FREMONT, CA, August 6, 2014 — Sports hernia repair specialist, Dr. William Brown, has investigated and is now performing inguinal ligament tenotomies on patients who have chronic groin pain and are candidates based on their symptoms and diagnosis. This relatively new approach is a welcome alternative to athletes who are anxious to quickly return to their pre-injury performance levels.
According to a study published in Surgical Laparoscopy Endoscopy & Percutaneous Techniques, 48 patients were identified for this surgery with chronic groin pain lasting 18 months on average. Ninety-two percent of patients surveyed and who responded post-surgery stated they returned to normal sports activity after their surgery. The median time it took to return to strenuous sports activity was 28 days, though responses ranged anywhere from 14 to 40 days.
Patients also reported that their functional limitations improved post surgery, as well as the frequency and severity of pain. Patients were encouraged to resume full activity as soon as possible post surgery, and athletes to begin training again one-week and return to regular activity two weeks after surgery. They were advised to do exercises that stretch the groin muscles, such as bent knee lunges and touching their buttocks with the heel of the foot on the side of the operation.
“Inguinal ligament tenotomies have been investigated by the Australian surgeons. Some athletes with a sports hernia have pain at the medial attachment of the inguinal ligament. The Australian surgeons perform a release procedure. They report excellent results. Recently, I have been treating some of my patients with this procedure, and the outcomes are excellent,” explains Dr. Brown.
Candidates for inguinal ligament tenotomies must report chronic groin pain for eight weeks or longer, show no signs of improvement after a period of rest, limiting athletic activity or physiotherapy sessions. In the study, patients presented localized tenderness over the insertion of the inguinal ligament and superficial ring without obvious evidence of a hernia like bulge in the muscle. Also, the groin pain had to occur when the patient was asked to sit up against resistance. Since inguinal disruptions are often difficult to diagnose, a thorough examination by an experienced sports hernia specialist is essential to determine whether or not a laparoscopic inguinal ligament tenotomy is the best course of action.
About Dr. William Brown
Dr. William Brown is considered one of the country’s foremost experts in sports hernia repair. Dr. Brown has been performing sports hernia surgeries and providing specialized rehabilitation programs since 1999. His clients include the San Jose Sharks, San Jose Sabercats, the San Jose Earthquakes sports teams, as well as clients from around the world. Dr. Brown has offices located in Fremont, Monterey and Palo Alto, California. To learn more about his approach to repairing sports hernia, please visit