How to Reduce Your Risk of Re-injury Post Sports Hernia Repair Surgery

It’s every athlete’s worst nightmare: spending weeks (or even months) coming back from a tough injury, then going back out on the field – only to have it happen again. Re-injury can happen with all types of issues, from ligament tears to broken bones. It can even happen with sports hernias.

As patients who have been through it know, recovering from a sports hernia isn’t particularly difficult if you follow protocol and Dr. William Brown’s advice. But given the choice, no one would choose to go through it a second time. Unfortunately, sometimes you don’t get that choice. Re-injuries happen. That’s why it’s critical for athletes who have had a sports hernia to take precautionary steps toward preventing this from happening.

The goal of sports hernia repair surgery is to fix the injury itself and help an athlete return to full strength. Through physical therapy, rest, diet, and exercise, patients can return to their pre-injury activity level. However, even with the best repair surgery, there’s no way to get rid of the risk of sustaining another sports hernia. Instead, there are a few ways you can minimize that risk.

The first is critical: know yourself, and know your limits. After recovery, nothing should hold you back from your sport. Any residual pain or limitations should be discussed with your physician. A sports hernia shouldn’t sideline you in any way. That said, it’s vital to recognize when you may be pushing yourself too hard. You don’t need to scale back or take it slow; you just need to be more aware. If you can’t do something that you used to, it’s time for a chat with your specialist.

Recognizing the symptoms of a sports hernia can help you determine if something is wrong. The most common signs are: pain that fades with rest but returns with activity, there may be a visible bulge in the groin area, often there is a stretching or pulling feeling. The easiest way to prevent re-injury is to focus on strengthening the injured muscles. This means working on building a strong and flexible core.

After recovering from a sports hernia, there’s no reason to live in fear. A previous injury shouldn’t stop you from doing what you love, but it should encourage you to be more aware. Know the signs of a sports hernia and talk with Dr. Brown if you have any concerns.