Nothing But Praise

Hi Dr. Brown,  I am extremely satisfied with the surgery and thank you so much for what you have done for me. Nothing but praise for you and your team.  Unfortunately, I no longer have an excuse not to return to work next week.

Cannot Imagine Where My Life Would Be

Good morning Dr. Brown, It just past one year since the surgery.  Thank you so much for the operation and support thereafter. I truly appreciate it and cannot imagine where my life would be if circumstances had been different. I just became a yoga instructor!...

My Fastest Half-Marathon Time in Years

Hello Dr. Brown, I just wanted to check in to give you a progress report on my healing  and rehab.  Last weekend (11/13/16), just a little over 4 months since my  bilateral sports hernia surgery, I successfully completed the Big Sur  Half Marathon...

Truly a Blessing

Thank you Dr. Brown  You are truly a blessing and amazing. I’ve never known a doctor that has followed up on their patients the way you do.  Happy Thanksgiving!!!  From my family to yours, MV