The Bassini Technique: A Classic Non-Mesh Way to Repair Inguinal Hernias

Dr. William Brown, the renowned inguinal hernia repair surgeon, has never wavered from his stance against repairing hernias with mesh. He performs non-mesh hernia repair to avoid the poor results and complications that come with using mesh. When mesh binds to nerve endings, which is common post procedure, chronic pain results. When mesh becomes stiff, fibrosis occurs causing more damage to the herniated area. When mesh affects nearby blood vessels or organs, problems arise that could mean another surgical procedure, or worse, nothing can be done to correct the situation. Considering the risks, Dr. Brown strongly recommends non-mesh hernia repair, like the Bassini, Shouldice, or Desarda technique.

Of all the ways to repair an inguinal hernia with the local soft tissue, the Bassini method is a classic inguinal hernia repair technique that has been used by surgeons for over a century. Clearly tried and true, the Bassini technique has wide spread, excellent outcomes. This method involves sewing together the inguinal ligament and the transversalis fascia to repair the inguinal floor. Though popular and effective, the Bassini method does put a fair amount of tension on the surgical stitches, which can lead to moderate post-operative pain and a longer recovery time. The Shouldice repair imbricates the inguinal floor to create a four layer repair. It is an excellent operation. The Desarda technique uses some of the local fascia to reinforce the repair. A great operation.

Hernias may be a very common condition, but properly and successfully repairing them requires seeing a surgeon who can accurately diagnose your type of hernia and match a repair technique to match. Dr. Brown has been repairing hernia and providing specialized rehabilitation programs since 1999. He and his staff can answer questions and address concerns you might have about your inguinal hernia diagnosis or surgical repair options. Contact them for more information.