Six Warning Signs of a Sports Hernia You Don’t Want to Ignore
Sports hernias (inguinal disruptions) are notoriously difficult to spot and usually aren’t diagnosed at all without seeing a specialist. They cause unspecific, chronic pain in the entire midsection of the body. They are internal injuries and usually cannot be detected outwardly. Adding all this up, it’s easy to understand why sports hernias are so difficult to identify. In addition, the warning signs are easy to brush off or attribute to any number of conditions, like pain from a sprain or fall that will eventually subside on its own. Don’t make that mistake.
Never ignore the warning signs of a sports hernia. Seeking a diagnose early or ignoring the pain for weeks or months could mean the difference between healing or being stuck on the sideline for quite some time.
- Sports hernias often come with two types of pain. The first is sharp that occurs with activity, especially twisting exercises. Sports hernias can also produce chronic, dull, aching pain spread throughout the entire core area. A combination of these two is not specifically indicative of a sports hernia, but is a good warning sign that something is wrong in the area.
- Pain from sports hernias usually subsides after a rest period, but comes back, possibly even worse, when activity is resumed. This can start a vicious cycle of rest and attempted return that can aggravate the injury and keep you out of the activities you enjoy for months on end.
- A pulling or stretching feeling usually accompanies a sports hernia. Especially if combined with pain, this sensation can be uncomfortable at best and debilitating at worst, causing any and all activities to be put on hold. This is a huge warning sign of a soft tissue injury, whether a hernia, sprain, or other problem.
- In males, sometimes a bulge is visible in the area of the sports hernia. While it is usually not large, it is palpable and sometimes painful to touch. A bulge is usually indicative of a hernia of some sort, although it is perfectly common (and often times the case) to have a sports hernia that does not present a bulge, especially in women.
- Bruising, while uncommon, can occur in the groin area if an injury caused significant tissue damage. Unfortunately, if a bruise does show, it’s not possible to know the exact cause. If coupled with other symptoms, however, it can be indicative of something more serious, like a sports hernia.
- Finally, sports hernias can cause everyday tasks and activities to become painful. Tasks like heavy lifting, reaching, and bending over can all be made arduous by a sports hernia. If you find yourself struggling to get through the day, consult a doctor.
Keep these warning signs of a sports hernia in mind. By being aware, you can take steps toward prevention and know when a sports hernia might be the source behind your pain so you can be diagnosed and treated quicker.