Dr. William Brown, California-Based Sports Hernia Surgeon, Releases Educational Video on Surgical Injury Repair
Dr. Brown discusses the complicated nature of sports hernias and the importance of consulting a surgeon experienced in surgically repairing this type of athletic injury in his latest educational video posted on YouTube.
FREMONT, CA March 11, 2015. — Dr. William Brown, renowned sports hernia (also called inguinal disruption) specialist, has released a new educational video on YouTube. With the injury widely misdiagnosed and incorrectly or under-treated, the sports hernia video offers his expert insight to athletes who are seeking accurate information about the debilitating injury and best practices in sports hernia repair surgery.
Dr. Brown performs approximately 200 inguinal disruption surgical repairs every year. Dr. Brown explains, “There are a small number of surgeons in the U.S. with a long history of performing this type of surgery. Yet, like all types of surgeries, getting a good outcome depends on the surgeon’s skill and experience in a particular surgical field. Especially, with repairing a sports hernia, I cannot stress how critical it is to consult with a surgeon who has performed numerous, successful sports hernia repairs.”
The video reviews the complicated nature of the injury, involving blood vessels, nerves, ligaments and even bones. Given the difficulty to achieve a successful repair, many surgeons will choose mesh repair, which can lead to shear stresses and nerve damage. Dr. Brown prefers and performs open repair procedures because it allows him to fully evaluate and repair muscle damage for better post-surgery results.
Though sports hernias can occur in non-athletes, athletes who quickly twist, kick and turn are the most affected group. An estimated 80% of the athletes Dr. Brown performs surgical repair on travel to his office from out of state because of his reputation for being one of the top sports hernia repair experts in the U.S.
YouTube video viewers are encouraged to post comments and questions; many of which Dr. Brown replies to personally.
About Dr. William Brown
Dr. William Brown is considered one of the country’s foremost experts in sports hernia repair. He has been performing sports hernia surgeries and providing specialized rehabilitation programs since 1999. His clients include the San Jose Sharks, San Jose Sabercats and the San Jose Earthquakes sports teams as well as athletes from the NFL, AFL, NBA, NBL and the United States Soccer League. Athletes from all over the United States as well as from 15 foreign countries have sought out Dr. Brown’s expertise. His offices are located in Fremont, Monterey and Palo Alto, California. To learn more about his approach to repairing sports hernia, please visit