The Sport Hernia Rehab program for the Montreal Canadians is very similar to the one I advise, though more aggressive at the start:
Days 1 & 2:
- Rest
Days 2-7:
- Isometric exercises
- Abdominal crunches
- Straight leg raises
- Stationary bike
Days 2-28:
- Stabilizing exercises
- Treadmill
- Light squats
- Stationary bike
Wks 4-6:
- Hockey specific exercises
- Easy Skating
- Resisted hip flexion and extension
- Resisted hip abduction and adduction
Wks 6-8:
- Team exercises
- On ice drills
Source: Irshad, K;Feldman, L S;Lavoie, C;Lacroix, V J;Mulder, D S;Brown, R A. Operative management of “hockey groin syndrome”: 12 years of experience in National Hockey
League players. Surgery (2001) 130: 759-64.