Sports Hernia Surgery often a Welcome Relief
Ask any doctor about how a patient reacts when told surgery is necessary and relief probably isn’t the most common answer. But when it comes to diagnosing a sports hernia, which typically calls for surgical treatment, relief is exactly what many patients feel. It’s not hard to understand why considering the chain of events that lead sports hernia sufferers to surgery.
Diagnosing a sports hernia is difficult to say the least and oftentimes misdiagnosed. It’s common for patients to have seen several different physicians before receiving a sports hernia diagnosis. Many have endured excruciating abdominal, groin and/or hip pain, which have taken them out of the game, so to speak. Now add to this the fact that extended periods of rest are prescribed with a misdiagnosis. Sports hernia symptoms (and the pain) subside and return with a vengeance after regular sports or physical activity resumes. This pattern can go on for several months up to a few years, which explains the relief so many sports hernia sufferers express when they’re finally diagnosed.
The number one, most important aspect of correctly diagnosing a sports hernia is finding a physician who specializes in them. One might think a sports physician would be the right person for the job. Unfortunately, that’s not always the case. Sports hernias still remain one of the most misdiagnosed sports injuries today thanks to a lack of the hernia’s palpable bulge or pouch that is commonly associated with hernias.
Your history, a physical examination and certain diagnostic testing should all be taken in account. MRI testing can be ordered to confirm a sports hernia, but even those can be misleading as in the case of this hockey-playing patient. Of course, the radiologist reading the MRI must be skilled at and familiar with recognizing a sports hernia. Once the sports hernia is confirmed, treatment and healing can begin. Finally. Relief knowing there is light at the end of the tunnel and activities can return to normal. Finally.
Surgery is often the best course of action to repair a sports hernia, though treatment depends on the severity of the tear. Either way, it’s a consolation for many to have a plan, an estimated recovery and rehabilitation timeline. If you suspect a sports hernia, the quicker you schedule a consult with a sports hernia specialist, the quicker you can get back to life as usual.