Using Imaging to Better Diagnose Sports Hernias

mri-sports-herniaA sports hernia diagnosis is vague at best for most. The traditional method of diagnosing a sports hernia involves several tests, each designed to rule out a specific cause. This can be a tiring process, and ultimately it is possible to end up with the wrong diagnosis or treatment error. The hidden nature of sports hernias makes them incredibly difficult to pinpoint using traditional methods.

Fortunately, recent advances in medical technology are making sports hernia diagnosis more accurate and precise than ever. One method of medical imaging in particular is changing the way that sports hernias are revealed and treated. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a technique that uses a strong magnetic field to create a picture of body structures.

MRI is especially useful in creating detailed images of joints, tendons, and ligaments. This gives it an advantage over other imaging techniques like CT scans and X rays. The ability of MRI to produce clear, detailed images of the areas affected by sports hernias makes it an invaluable tool to physicians and patients alike.  There is also no radiation exposure with an MRI.

An Ultrasound is also another good imaging test.  An ultrasound can take dynamic images.  In other words, the radiologist can watch the muscle while it is being contracted and thereby find areas of weakness or damage.

If there are doubts about your specific injury, using MRI and/or Ultrasound can help to pinpoint the exact cause of your symptoms and ensure that you receive the proper care and return to the field as soon as possible.