Do Older Surgeons have Better Results than Younger Surgeons?

Dr Brown Hernia SpecialistThe last time I flew, the pilot was a 60 plus year old man with gray hair. It made me think, do I want and old and experienced pilot or would it be better and safer to have a young pilot. After all, my life was in his hands.

I ask myself that question all the time. Am I still mentally and physically capable to provide excellent care to my patients. Every time I examine a patient or perform an operation I ask myself is there a way that I can do this better. I truly believe that I am better surgeon now than when I first graduated.

Below is an article that compares the results of operations performed by young surgeons and older surgeons. I am glad to say that the gray haired surgeons had better results.  Old and experienced is better than young and strong.

BMJ Medical Journal: Age and sex of surgeons and mortality of older surgical patients: observational study

“Using national data on Medicare beneficiaries in the US, this study found that patients treated by older surgeons had lower mortality than patients treated by younger surgeons.”